Thanksgiving plans:
Friday Nov. 20-Drive 400 miles from San Antonio to Lubbock, Texas aka: the red flat desert of Texas, complete with tumbleweeds and no naturally growing tree except the mesquite tree which is really a bush.
Sat.- Drive the cutest grandmother in the world (mine) plus her doggie, Athena, back to San Antonio for Thanksgiving fun. 7 hours there and 7 hours back makes for an exciting weekend! Little Athena is a bichon frise, was my first dog ever who now lives with Grandmother and sadly was diagnosed with lung cancer last Thanksgiving. They gave her a couple of months to live so it is a miracle that she has lived as long as she has, but her breathing this trip is considerably worse. Also, best friend Jen, flys in from NYC. Must find time to spend with her and her fam.
Monday- Kyle's parents come in for the week.
Tuesday-make grocery list and go shopping- Grocery stores during the holidays are like trying to buy groceries at a concert, complete body contact, absolutely no space to move or breath, possible fight at every turn, sometimes there is even body surfing over to the next aisle! Yes!
Wednesday- The Rogers clan comes in (Kyle's dad's family) and have Thanksgiving with the Sanders Family (my mom side of the family) a family of nearly all women who are all BOSSY. Lots of "Do this, do that" and not many "pleases." But it works for us. We always have a blast. It is a good thing that Kyle takes directions well... he being the only male besides my cousin and there being lots of things that a male who knows his way around a kitchen and the back of a TV is useful for.
Thursday- Have Thanksgiving with the Rogers Clan. It will be the first Thanksgiving without Grandma Dee Dee, and I know that it will be a trying time for the family.
Friday- Drive down three hours to the coast to have Thanksgiving dinner with Kyle's Mom side of the family. Yep, that is three thanksgiving dinners in three days! So much food, I may not live to survive it. My next post may be from the hospital while I am getting my stomach pumped from a food overdose.
Sat- Sun- we will spend chilaxin at the coast and eating lots and lots of seafood!
All in all, it should be a great Thanksgiving, but the planning and the cooking always makes me nervous.
On another note, I was listening to NPR this week and on Thanksgiving Day, they are playing a segment about the Depression. They had a lot of people interview their parents and grandparents to talk about their childhood during the Depression and how it does or doesn't relate to today. I want to make a video of my grandmother telling either a story of her past or specifically of her experience in the Depression. I encourage as many of you who would like to participate as well, and I will try and figure out how to set up Mr. Linky so we can share with each other. There is so much to learn from our elder generations. After Grandma Dee Dee passed unexpectedly we felt as if there might have been more that she would have liked to say. I wish I had thought of doing this sooner, but it isn't too late for the family members we do have today. Let's take advantage of today. Happy Thanksgiving.
My goodness! You are busy busy busy! I hope you all have a GREAT Thanksgiving! I love all your cartoons! Soo funny!
SITS blogger sayin hi and I love your cartoons!
The mooing chickens made me laugh out loud! Love the cartoons. And three Thanksgiving dinners? Can I come with you?
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thansk for sharing the comics. I loved them! Just dropping by to give the love to SITS Sis-tah
As always, we had such a great night with you guys! Fill your stomachs to capacity and enjoy your time with family and friends!
Happy Thanksgiving!
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