Saturday, February 21, 2009

Random thoughts

Each week at my school we rotate classes. We teach one class in the morning and a different class in the afternoon. This past week I taught yoga in the morning. I really enjoyed it. It was relaxing and I haven't stretched so much since I was seven years old in gymnastics. Of course then, I could do the splits, where as now... well lets just say I cannot, not even close. Most of the classes we teach, we stress games, activities and laughter, however it was nice to get away from the craziness and attempt to harness calmness. The kids were not as flexible as I would have assumed, surprisingly. Evidently, sports aren't encouraged until later in life, so maybe they gain their flexibility later, or maybe they didn't care enough to try in class. One part of the class that they loved was the balancing contest. Who could stand in tree position the longest. Many of the students wouldn't last a minute, and there was always a boy who would throw himself on the ground after tiring in attempts to get attention, but there were always a few students who would be able to hold the position for long periods of time without faltering. I have never been a balanced person, some even might call me a klutz, so I am always impressed with those who have that mysterious balance that alludes me.
After the first few classes, I came away thinking, if I were more flexible, I could soo see myself being a yoga instructor. And I could be more flexible, but that would require stretching on my own time. My To-Do list has so many things on it, I just don't know if stretching is going to make the cut, but I might try. (Not because I really want to be a yoya instructor, it was a fleeting thought)

The other class I taught was sign language, which was lots of fun. The kids love learning how to spell their name in sign language.

Also here is the cutest little video ever. It warms my heart every time I watch it. I hope you enjoy. p.s. don't expect it to be funny because I showed it to one girl and she was disappointed because she thought it was supposed to be hilarious. It is just sweet and short)

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I saw this clip and thought it was SO cute!!! How sweet!!

I am not flexible at ALL. But I would like to be. Maybe. And balance? hahahahaha that is funny. The guys are always catching me on the jobsite. i am constantly tripping over things, up stairs, running into things. So balance and grace eludes me as well.