Searcy (The home of our Shara, our good friend from high school and her husband, Mike)
• Arkansas (or R Kansas as Kyle likes to
• We were very amused by some of the silly names within the state; Texarkansas, Boston, Austin, friendship, and Beebe were among some
- Random Donkey/Zebra
• After dinner at a restaurant offering home-cooked meals, including a shepards pie with meatloaf (yummy) we visited Mike’s place of employment. He is a program coordinator at the community activity center. The current activity he was teaching the children was archery and he
• The Hair Cut. I blame Shara ☺ I had thought about cutting my hair off for Locks of Love but hadn’t really commited to it. Shara said some places would give a discounted price for locks of love but we couldn’t find anyone who would give me a discount so I settled on going to the beauty school for a $8 haircut (what can I say, I am my mother’s daughter). However it just so happened that the girl who cut my hair was a newbie, more than the others because I was her first haircut on the floor. I asked her how short my hair would be if she cut the 10 inches required for Locks of Love and she held my hair right under my shoulders. She cut off the 10 inches and then proceeded in trimming another 2-3 inches off, making my hair the shortest it has ever been in my life (except for when I was a new born). I like it though, and I think that she did a very good job.
• A fried catfish and hushpuppiy buffet made all of our tummies very full, followed by an exciting game of Mario Party on Wii. We wont mention how badly, correction, horribly I lost.
• We spent the next day in Hot Springs and had blackened burgers with Shara’s lovely aunt and uncle.
• When our trip was over, I realized how much I missed my friend Shara, and I was incredibly glad that we got to spend quality time together!
View my pics on facebook.
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