The day begins when we lazily get up. And I should emphasize LAZY here as it is an important word to keep in mind. We have had difficulty waking before 11:00 am nearly every morning.

p.s. I wish we could take credit for these awesome wave photos but I must admit they were sent to me in an email. They are super beautiful though eh?
Breakfast- we are trying to be good eaters so I bought several grapefruits which we adorn with cinnamen and honey and stick in the broiler for five minutes. Yummy. Either that or blueberry waffles. Kyle has also insisted that in order for him to be fully happy, he requires that we make eggs benidict one morning. So we found a very low fat recipe, and if it is good, I will share it with you.
After we break the fast- check emails, lay out in the sun, read. I am currently reading "The Many Lives and Secret Sorrows of Josephine B" which is amazing. It is part of a trilogy about the wife of Napolean Bonapart. I am really loving it and it is an easy read because it is in journal style.
After lazy time- we force ourselves to do part of the P90x program. Yesterday was yoga and it kicked our behinds. It isn't yo grandma's yoga yo! Today is legs and abs, I am shivering in my booties.

After exercising- we have a number of options
-go to the beach after the sun has started to go down a bit so that we don't scorch
-read some more
-do some shopping with our imaginary money
And in the evening we watch a movie. Last night was "Forgetting Sarah Marshal" super funny, but tonight we will watch "Pride and Prejudice" the new version. I am ignoring the whining and complaining as often happens when I want to watch a "girl" movie. But secretly I think Kyle enjoys these movies, he just feels it is his civil duty as a male to complain at great lengths before watching said "chick flicks".

p.s. I wish we could take credit for these awesome wave photos but I must admit they were sent to me in an email. They are super beautiful though eh?
Awesome! Sounds like a good time.
Btw, the wave photos are by Clark Little: http://www.clarklittlephotography.com/
Those photos are pretty amazing! I wish I had your life.
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