But I still look like this:
I think the problem was during the re-application process, but one can't be too sure about these things. You see, after laying on our towels basking in the sun and attempting to ignore the overly fit people who made us feel inadequate, we went into the ocean to play. The wind was really strong, and so was the undercurrent so after a while we went back to the land to dry off.
Kyle and I wanted to to build a sandcastle.

but instead it turned out more like this:

But back to THE PLAGUE...
After we returned from frolicking in the ocean, I decided to air dry before re-applying. I did this while building the castle aka blob, which resulted in my entire body being crusted in sand. I couldn't use our towels as they were also covered in sand. So I then attempted to re-apply with the sand. I do think I succeeded in a proper exfoliation of 6 of my 7 layers of skin, but I don't know how much of the sunscreen made it to my skin and how much was lost to the sand and excess water. As you can see by the pictures above, the application process failed somewhere. It doesn't help that I am Casper. Kyle is so florescent white that his skin reflects the sunlight somewhere else and somehow escapes the burning caused from the suns evil rays.
Morals of the story:
Our sand castle sucked. We need more practice
White people weren't made for the sun. Especially those who look like Casper.
And I look like I have the plague but not to fear, it's not contagious.
This was a great post:) I also try to make great sandcastles but they never turn out nicely
Oh, dear! I hope it doesn't feel as bad as it looks! Really!!
And, as for the sandcastles, they look that good in the kids' minds, so that works for me!
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