Thursday, September 15, 2011

We're back

We had a fabulous vacation on Jeju island, a small volcanic island south of Korea.  It's considered the jewel of Korea, and the Hawaii of Asia.  And we were both pleasantly surprised.  Maybe this is the jaded Vanessa speaking, but I'm used to disappointment at finding that Korea has once again extravagantly exaggerated the beauty or magnificence of her national treasures. Like many countries, Korea is a proud nation, and there is a lot to be proud of, but sometimes, and this is probably true of many places, exaggeration, and puffed up pride, plays a larger role than the thing being touted deserves credit for.  And maybe its because I had low expectations going in, I wasn't expecting the Philippines, or the Mediterranean, but Jeju held its own. It truly was a lovely island, and had much more natural beauty than I'd expected which is often what I find lacking here in Korea. 

We're spending today relaxing, and resting up from our vacation.  Why is it that we always need a vacation from our vacations?

So this post is not going to be a long post.  Just a short note to explain that we are indeed alive, sun tanned, and resting our sore hiking worn legs this weekend. I do plan on posting real posts soon.  There is oh so much to post, I feel a little overwhelmed, or more like A LOT overwhelmed, and I will try my best to catch up.

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