
Tuesday, March 01, 2011

YEV is on the You Tubes!!!

Well guys, at long last our Village has finally made a promotional video that truly captures the absurdity, craziness, creativity and in some cases the brilliance of our lives here. It's cheesy, it's corny and at some points it's flat out lying but man does it look good! Enjoy and tell us what you think!


  1. Impressive! I want to come!
    You are the star - great job Vanessa!

  2. Impressive! I want to come!!

    Great job Vanessa - you are the STAR!!

  3. I'm going to sign up for English Village. It doesn't matter that I already know English, I just want Kyle to take a picture of me capturing my dreams.

    This reminds me of the office episode when they filmed they're own local commercial.

    It is a pretty slick video! And I like Vanessa's earrings.

  4. I want to sign up to go to English Village! Do I get a discount for being your mother/mother-in-law? I want the apartment right next to yours!

  5. You're famous! I'm telling all my friends. They will both be so impressed!

    Aunt BB

  6. I will add this blog to my favorites, it is great.


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